The City of Tzfat needs your help!!
The ancient, historical holy city of Safed (Tzfat) in the northern Galilee has had a continuous Jewish presence for 2,000 years and is renowned as the home of Kabbalah and great kabbalists such as the Arizal, Moshe Cordovero, Shlomo Alkabetz, Yosef Karo and many others.
The Tzemach Tzedek synagogue dates back to the early 1800’s and has been fully renovated. It is located in Chatam Sofer Street in the Old City. This street is undergoing critically needed repairs. The pavement and sidewalks are in shambles; there are dangling electric wires; the rain tunnels are badly damaged and other repairs are needed immediately as these conditions represent a very unsafe and dangerous environment for residents as well as tourists.
Tzedakah Opportunity!
Tzedakah, literally translated as “justice” or “righteousness,” is a mainstay of Jewish life. The Torah commands us to give generously from what you have been blessed with. Your financial support is needed to complete the restoration of this important street in in the Holy City of Safed in order to avoid injuries and provide a safe environment for our residents and tourists to our Holy City.
Be a part of this important project! The workers are now standing by to complete it. Donate now!
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if you participate in this project, it is categorized as Tzedakah—often translated as charity— which is a mainstay of Jewish life. The sages teach that the world was built upon kindness. However, tzedakah goes one step beyond. Literally translated as “justice” or “righteousness,” tzedakah tells us that sharing what we have with others isn’t something special. It’s the honest and just thing to do. No matter how much you were blessed with, you can always share with others. This is such an opportunity.